Welcome to the PREDICAR Project team's interlocution space –
Formation and expression of complex predicates and predications: constructional stability, variation and change!
The Project (with certification in the Directory of Research Groups in Brazil/Lattes, dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/6603201471699523) was formed in 2002. Currently, it is in the sixth stage of development of investigations involving Undergraduate and (Post)Graduate researchers of the Department of Vernacular Letters at UFRJ. It started on the occasion that the project was classified by the UFRJ Newly Professor Support Program 'Antonio Luís Vianna' (ALV'2002) among the 10 research projects submitted by the UFRJ Teaching Council for Graduates (CEG) to the José Bonifácio University Foundation (FUJB).
Studies oriented towards what is stable and/or what varies or changes deal with: the compatibility ratio between (procedural and lexical) constructions, the grammatical function of simple or complex lexemes, as well as variation (by polysemy or analogy/similarity), constructional change or (grammatical / procedural or lexical) constructionalization of verbal/verb-nominal constructions. We investigate argument structure constructions, referentiality and simple and complex predicators. It is understood that individual and socially shared linguistic knowledge are both stable and subject to variation and change.